Last Updated: Friday, January 17th, 2025
At long last, the story continues!

If you're new to Dragon Mango, the story may make slightly
more sense if you start at the Beginning.

January 17, 2025 - OK, not quite a weekly update, but getting closer!

This comic is the one that I got stuck on several months ago, and just couldn't seem to get right. You can probably tell which panel was the problem when you see it. :)

At long last though, it's done, and we're almost at the conclusion of the Square One flashback, which went on for a LOT longer than I intended! Originally it had been supposed to be just the introduction to a longer story that involved what some of the characters involved are doing in the present, but it's been so long without our heroines that I think I'll save that for a later chapter, tie things up, and jump back to what Mango and friends are up to.

At any rate, I hope you all enjoy the comic, and I'll keep up the pace!

As always, thanks for reading.

- Mark

P.S. - once again, we've been graced with some delightful new fanart from Channelsurfer02, this time featuring Candy's incredibly competent and not-at-all flawed summoning skills!

Dragon Mango (c) 2025 Mark Sprague / Crystal Nico Lockhart / Doug Middleton / Karen Hayman