Welcome to the Dragon Mango fanart gallery! Here we showcase all the beautiful pictures of our characters that people have sent in. (With a couple of cameo's from Tom Savage's Squirrel and Butterfly, and Sarah Griffin's Asylum Squad! :))

The Andrade Brothers
Mango, Pumpkin and Cherry by the Andrade Brothers   Candy, Eclair, Cupcake, Caramel, Cruller and Angel by the Andrade Brothers   Dragonslayers and Lolita Knights team up, by the Andrade Brothers
Bunny Eclair by the Andrade Brothers   Candy, Cupcake and Eclair all dressed up, by the Andrade Brothers

Happy Irish Cherry Dance by Annable   A Dragon Mango Christmas, by Annable

Baachan (Mandy)
Almost Everyone, by Baachan  Adult Cherry by Baachan   Christmas Cherry by Mandy
Pumpkin by Mandy   Anime North Mango by Baachan   Sheep by Baachan   The first-ever Flan fanart, by Baachan
Cherry by Baachan   Rocket Sheep by Baa-chan

Craig "Cathos" Ferguson
Claw by Craig "Cathos" Ferguson   Mango Claus by Craig "Cathos" Ferguson

Bleu Berry and Colleen by Jamie    Eclair by Jamie

Katie Hillman
Flan and Eclair by Katie Hillman  Candy and Bunny by Katie Hillman

Mr. Selfdestruct
Shadow Dragon by Mr. Selfdestruct   Fire Dragon by Mr. Selfdestruct

Mango by Neo   Candy and Flopsy by Neo


Dragon Mango New Year by Ree   Christmas Bunny by Ree   Summer Sheep by Ree

Rich (who is Jack)
Mango by Rich   Cherry Walking Right, by Rich   Mango by Rich
Colour Cherry and Sheep by Rich  Flying Cherry Surprise by Rich   Cupcake and Friend by Rich   Cherry and Sheep by Rich
A very literate Cherry by Rich  Blushing Cherry by Rich  Heavenly Cherry by Rich  Free Candy, by Rich
Cherry by Rich  Candy by Rich  Another Cherry by Rich  Cherry Again by Rich

Pumpkin by Rutteger  Mango and Pumpkin by Rutteger

Sarah Griffin
Pamplemousse and Friend by Sarah Griffin   Cherry and Friend by Sarah Griffin   Candy by Sarah Griffin

Strawberry Cheesecake by Shellieos!!!   A cute picture by Shellieos!!!   Strawberry Cheesecake by Shellieos!!!

Silas Nisbe
Eclair by Silas Nisbe  Candy by Silas Nisbe

Tom Savage
Cupcake by Tom Savage    Cupcake and Sheppard's Pie by Tom Savage    The World's Greatest Handcuffs by Tom Savage    Cupcake barefoot, by Tom Savage
Cupcake and Cruller, by Tom Savage   Cupcake and Yuna play dress-up, by Tom Savage

White Mage Chibi Chan
Bleu Berry, by White Mage Chibi Chan   Candy, by White Mage Chibi Chan   Strawberry Cheesecake, by White Mage Chibi Chan   Cupcake, by White Mage Chibi Chan


Other Great Artists
(Move your mouse over the picture to see who drew it)

Mango by Chad Wm. Porter   Claw by Jesse   Cherry by Saki   Portrait of a Christmas Bunny, by Ryan T
Strawberry Cheesecake by Camryn Potter   Mango by Zemalia   Sheep by Reena    Cherry by Michelle Williams
Cupcake by Kokayi Nia Newsome   A Gigantic Fight Scene by Adonis, Lord of the Ogres   Eclair by Bruce Le   Cupcake by Ghislain Wildcat
Strawberry Cheesecake, by Courtney Alsop   Claw and Kanoni (the artist's own character) by Ruth Steinback   Cupcake by JSISPITZ   Sandwich by MandyPanda
Mango by Cen-chan  Sheep and Bunny by Ayumi-Chan

Do you have some fanart you'd like to send in? Did you send fanart already, and are annoyed that we forgot to put it up here? Did you send fanart that you definitely DIDN'T want us to put up here, and want to demand we take it down? Did we spell your name wrong? :)  For all these things and more, send mail to: fanart@dragon-mango.com, and we'll see what we can do!

Many thanks to all the artists!

Dragon Mango (c) 2001 Mark Sprague / Crystal Kearns / Adam Lockhart / Doug Middleton / Karen Hayman
Powder Butterfly, who persistently cameos in the fanart page, is the property of Tom Savage. Sheppard's Pie, too.
All fanart is the property of the artists. Thanks for drawing our characters, guys!